BSCCP Online OSCE Preparation Course - This Course is now fully Subscribed
Location: Online
An interactive online course in preparation for the BSCCP Colposcopy OSCE. This is a very popular course so early registration is essential
Details around the course, and the agenda, will be available a little closer to the date.
Register![BSCCP Online OSCE Preparation Course - This Course is now fully Subscribed](/images/_900xAUTO_fit_center-center_95_none/Online-Healthcare-Service-948836700_1257x838_2022-11-22-093814_bpas.jpeg)
About this course
An online interactive course in preparation for the BSCCP Colposcopy OSCE. This course is a highly informative course suitable for BSCCP trainees taking the Colposcopy exit OSCE.