IFCPC 2014
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Cervical Screening - the basics
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
HPV Vaccines - safety and efficacy
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Raising awareness about the need for cervical screening among gay and lesbian women
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Visual inspection methods in the prevention of cervical cancer
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Cancer in Africa - what are the challenges?
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
One woman's experience of colposcopy and treatment
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Reducing the risk of cervical cancer through education and screening at a sexual health service
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Why do women not attend? a cervical cancer patient's perspective
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Identifying barriers to screening attendance