Nurses play a vital role in colposcopy services
Colposcopy is an exciting and rewarding area for Nurses working within the Gynaecological field in which to specialise. There are now over 300 Nurse Colposcopists, accredited and in training. Many more Colposcopy Nurses are registered as members of the BSCCP, so the network in this area is growing all the time.

Nurses play a vital role in the BSCCP
The BSCCP as a society actively encourages networking and open communication for its nurse members and provides meeting facilities at the Annual Scientific Conference in liaison with the BSCCP Nurse Representative. The BSCCP Nurse representative on the Executive Committee is an elected role and a 3 year position. This individual is a voice for nurse members at the 6 monthly Executive meetings and a point of contact for all nurses working in this area. They have input into any decisions relating to nursing issues and are also involved in examining at OSCEs. The Nurse Rep is also a Co-opted member of the UK Colposcopy Nurses Group (details of this group are outlined below) providing an important link between the BSCCP and the RCOG.
The BSCCP as a society actively encourages networking and open communication for its nurse members and provides meeting facilities at the Annual Scientific Conference in liaison with the BSCCP Nurse Representative. The BSCCP Nurse representative on the Executive Committee is an elected role and a 3 year position. This individual is a voice for nurse members at the 6 monthly Executive meetings and a point of contact for all nurses working in this area. They have input into any decisions relating to nursing issues and are also involved in examining at OSCEs. The Nurse Rep is also a Co-opted member of the UK Colposcopy Nurses Group (details of this group are outlined below) providing an important link between the BSCCP and the RCOG.
Current Nurse Representative:
Anna Parberry.