BSCCP Executive Committee and Vacancies 2025
BSCCP Elected Trustees
President - Deirdre Lyons
President-Elect - Nicholas Myerson
Honorary Secretary - Jennifer Byrom
Treasurer - Julia Palmer
BSCCP Co-opted Trustees
Maggie Cruickshank
John Tidy
Pierre Martin Hirsch
Theresa Freeman-Wang
Patrick Walker
Regional Representatives
North East - Partha Sangupta
North West - Vacant
South West - Tracy-Louise Appleyard
South East - Karin Hellner
Wales - Nagindra Das
Scotland - Kalpana Ragupathy
Northern Ireland - Daniel Douglas
Ireland - Noirin Russell
London - Gulnaz Majeed
Eastern - Rohit Sharma
Midlands - Mark Dunderdale
GU Rep - Laura Waters
Nurse Rep - Anna Parberry
The BSCCP is currently requesting nominations from BSCCP members for the following BSCCP Executive Committee Posts for a 3-year term from June 2025 – AGM 2027. The appointments will be announced at the BSCCP AGM in June 2025 in Sheffield.
BSCCP North West Representative
BSCCP South East Representative
BSCCP South West Representative
BSCCP Midlands Representative
The role specification details and nomination form can be downloaded below The completed nomination form should be returned by e-mail to by 15.03.2025 and must be accompanied by the nominee’s personal statement of no more than 250 words.
BSCCP Nomination Form 2025
Role Specification and Responsibilities of BSCCP Regional Representatives
The BSCCP relies on volunteers to help us deliver training. In an increasingly IT driven world this includes developing and maintaining our website and digital learning platform. We need new volunteers to join our committees for what can be a very rewarding experience.
Have a look at the following opportunities and see if you might be interested in joining us.
Recruitment of BSCCP Chair of the IT Committee
The BSCCP IT Committee was established at the direction of the Executive Committee of the BSCCP. It meets twice a year and its role is to discuss the management and future developments of the BSCCP digital platforms and reports to the Executive Officers with its recommendations.
We would love to hear from members of the BSCCP who have an interest and experience in IT to help with the BSCCP website and learning portal.
Please submit a CV and personal statement to
Download the committee terms of reference and Chair role specification using the links below.
The BSCCP Digital Learning Group focuses on BSCCP e-Learning and multi-media to assist with CPD and training for BSCCP trainees and trainers.
We would love to hear from members of the BSCCP who have an interest in training and would like to learn more about developing online digital materials. Trainees are particularly welcome.
To apply email your CV and personal statement to or speak with your regional representative.
Download the terms of reference of this committee using the link below.
Digital Learning Group - Terms of Reference
The Certification and Training Committee (CTC) of the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) is established at the direction of the Executive Committee of the BSCCP. The CTC meets twice a year, usually in March and October, and is accountable for the processes of accreditation and re-accreditation of practising colposcopists and is responsible for the training and education programmes of the BSCCP.
We would love to hear from you if you have strong educational and training experience and can commit to attending 2 meetings per year.
To apply email your CV and personal statement to or speak with your regional representative.
Download the terms of reference of this committee and Chair role specification using the links below.
The Certification and Training Committee - Terms of Reference