About this pathway
There are many reasons why trained and accredited colposcopists do not reaccredited during the normal reaccreditation window which opens every three years. You can still reaccredit using the over four years pathway and appear on the list of accredited colposcopists on the BSCCP website. There are additional criteria on this pathway which are listed below.

Criteria for reaccreditation as a colposcopist after four years.
Log into your account on the BSCCP learningzone. Click on the colposcopy reaccreditation link and complete the steps by uploading evidence of completion within this module. The Chair of the Certification and Training Committee will need to approve the supplied documentation before the module is marked as complete. You will then be able to download your certificate and your name will be added to the list of accredited colposcopists on the BSCCP website.
Steps in this pathway
Join the BSCCP
If you are no longer a member of the BSCCP re-join the Society. The annual subscription is paid online using your credit card.
Members areas
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Attend a recognised BSCCP meeting
Attend a BSCCP recognised meeting post graduate meeting in colposcopy. Please refer to the website for details of suitable courses
Events Listing
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Audit of cases
You must perform 50 colposcopies on referrals to the colposcopy clinic:
- A minimum of 25 should be new patients.
- Five of the 50 cases should be directly supervised by your mentor.
You must discuss all the cases with your mentor. Ideally this should be a colposcopist within your hospital but in exceptional cases, if this is not possible internally, you must discuss all the cases with the BSCCP Regional Representative or an RCOG Regional Preceptor for Colposcopy.
You must upload an audit of these 50 cases to the BSCCP using the special form provided on the BSCCP learning zone.
Assessments of your clinical practice
Your mentor must perform some formative assessments during your retraining.
We would require the following to be completed by your mentor, and submitted with
your audit:
• 5 x Mini Cex assessments (based on the cases you have seen),
• 3 x Summative OSATS in diagnostic colposcopy and,
• 2 x Summative OSATS in a chosen treatment technique (i.e. LLETZ, or a destructive technique).
• 3 x Case Based Discussions.
• Must attend at least 50% (a minimum of 3) Colposcopic Multidisciplinary Team Meetings during a 12 month period.
Details of these assessments and copies of the forms to be completed by your mentor can be downloaded from the link below
Assessment Methods
Find information for trainees and trainers including links to the assessment forms here
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Letter from your Mentor
Confirmation of completion of retraining
You must submit a letter from your mentor who must write to the BSCCP supporting your application and confirming you have seen the above mentioned cases.