The following content is not intended to be an exhaustive list but aims to provide a useful tool in helping trainees identify their training needs. This knowledge can be acquired from BSCCP approved colposcopy courses,
personal study using BSCCP Educational resources and the Learning zone as well as tuition from a BSCCCP accredited trainer.
- Normal structure
- Metaplasia
- The transformation zone
- Congenital transformation zone - Changes with age
- Tissue basis for colposcopy- the role of epithelium, stroma and surface configuration
- Nomenclature
- Epidemiology
- Pathogenesis
- Natural history
- Histological features
- Staging
- Rationale
- National screening guidelines
- HPV as a screening test
- Risks of screening, limitations, disadvantages
- Failsafe mechanisms
- Quality assurance and performance criteria
- Indications for referral thresholds (to colposcopy clinic)
- Standards of care for colposcopy (NHSCSP)
- Nomenclature
- Epidemiology
- Pathogenesis
- Natural history
- Histological features
- Nomenclature
- Epidemiology
- Pathogenesis
- Natural history
- Histological features
- Nomenclature
- Epidemiology
- Pathogenesis
- Natural history
- Histological features
- Human papillomavirus
- Actinomycosis
- Herpes
- Bacterial infections
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
- Cervical polyps
- Normal cervix in pregnancy
- Cytology in pregnancy
- Abnormal cervix in pregnancy
- Physiological change
- Effects of oral contraceptive pill on cytology
- Effects of oral contraceptive pill on histology
- Effects of oral contraceptive pill on colposcopy
- Effects of IUCD on cytology
- Principles of cytological diagnoses
- Cytological classifications
- The normal smear
- The effect of hormones
- Different sampling devices
- Preparation of specimens
- Principles of histological diagnoses
- How biopsy taking might influence histological interpretation
- The colposcope; its elements, filters, magnifications focal length
- Type of spatula
- The role and use of saline and green filter1
- The role and use of acetic acid
- The role and use of Lugol's iodine
- The role and use of Monsel's solution
- Principles of sterilisation/decontamination of colposcopy clinic equipment
- The physics of local treatment modalities
- The safety aspects of local treatment modalities
- The use and safety aspect of local analgesia
- Expectant management
- Destruction v excision
- Ectropian
- Inadequate smears
- Infection
- Glandular cytological abnormalities
- Proven cGIN
- Suspected invasion
- Proven stage 1A1
- Proven stage 1A2
- Proven invasion (stage 1B+)
- Follow-up for treated CIN
- Follow-up for treated cGIN
- VaIN
- The abnormal smear in the postmenopausal patient