BSCCP Meeting 2016
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
- Clinical topics
What the colposcopist needs to know about HIV
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Conservative management of high grade CIN
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
How can patient opinion assist the trainer and the trainee colposcopist?
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Training Seminars
- BSCCP Video Player
The BSCCP OSCE examination for independent practice and what we can learn from it as trainers
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
- Clinical topics
Risk of preterm birth following surgical treatment for cervical disease
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Do bugs cause cancer?
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Proof of concept for a self applied low cost non surgical treatment for HPV and related dysplasia
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
The new ISSVD and Consensus Terminologies of vulvar Intraepithelial Lesions
- Annual Scientific Meetings
- BSCCP Video Player
Modern management of CIN: A proposal for a risk assessment on colposcopic decision making