Cytology Online Course for Trainee Colposcopists
- Colposcopy Training
This online Cytology for Colposcopists course has been approved by the BSCCP for Trainee Accreditation.
For any further enquiries please contact the LRCTC Team directly Tel 020 8869 5270 or e-mail:
RegisterDeveloped by the London Regional Cytology Training Centre (LRCTC) the course provides detailed information on:
• Laboratory organisation and sample processing, including HPV testing and “virtual” laboratory tour
• Cervical cytology screening, reporting, and management protocols
• Cytology and microscopy of normal and abnormal cell components of the cervical sample
• MDT protocols and cervical cancer audit
The course is designed to meet the requirements of the trainee’s pathology experience in their understanding of practical laboratory processes and the viewing of cytology slides. The course structure is underpinned by case presentations, Q&A sessions, and an interactive quiz
The course is of 5 hours duration and has been accepted by BSCCP as a recognised equivalent to face-to-face cytology laboratory training for both nurses and doctors training in Colposcopy.
BSCCP advert 24 07 2025